Original tune: How Firm a Foundation; Joseph Funk’s Genuine Church Music, 1832
Psalm 75:1
We give thanks to our God
Who from wrath he hath saved
We give thanks for his grace
We from sin who wert slaves.
I’ll sing praises loud, I will not be ashamed
How the mercy of God has become sinner’s fame.
We give thanks to our God
In our trials we rejoice
For the weight of true joy
Was the Savior’s glad choice
I’ll sing of the cross, what the Savior endured
For my shame is redeemed and now hope is secured
We give thanks to our God
For his wisdom and might
Who became sin for us;
His own blood is my right.
I’ll sing for my soul has been sealed by his love
For my name has been signed in the lamb’s book above.