Saturday, September 23, 2006

O Jesus, Who Can Save Me

Original Music: Near to the Heart of God, Cleland B. McAfee (1866-1944)

Lord here am I with out excuse, sinner condemned unclean,
I traded truth for worldly gain, nothing to you I bring.
O Jesus, who can save me, He who became our sin,
The joy that set before Him, His glory to defend.

O God forgive my wretched ways, foolish in unbelief,
Helpless to know thy righteousness, bound in the dying thief.
O Jesus, who can save me, He who became our sin,
The joy that set before Him, His glory to defend.

My sin is known in piercing light, before the Almighty,
My only hope is Jesus Christ, before thy mercy seat.
O Jesus, who can save me, He who became our sin,
The joy that set before Him, His glory to defend.

All condemnation now released, for sinners justified,
who live by faith in Christ alone, God fully satisfied.
O Jesus, who can save me, He who became our sin,
The joy that set before Him, His glory to defend.

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