Monday, December 18, 2006

Blessed Are Those (Mt.5:3-12)

Original Music: How Great Thou Art, Stuart K. Hine; 1899

Blessed are those who are yet poor in spirit.
Consider what great mercy God has shown.
For theirs will be thy kingdom now in heaven
Secured for all, God’s grace has ever known.

Chorus: Blessed are those, whom God would spare his wrath
They will receive, who have believed.
Blessed are those, for God has shed his blood.
Blessed are those who have believed.

Blessed are those who mourn for sin and evil.
Consider what great glory did offend.
For they shall know true comfort and compassion,
Chosen in Christ, whose enemies befriend.

Blessed are those who want and thirst for goodness.
Consider what great happiness is found.
For they will know thy joy and satisfaction,
In Christ alone, who bore our curse and crown.

Blessed are those who strive for peace in meekness.
Consider what great pow’r God laid aside.
For they shall be called his own sons and daughters,
Purchased by God, in Christ now made alive.

Blessed are those who suffer for His namesake.
Consider what great sorrow God did bear.
For theirs will be a great reward in heaven,
A crown of life, eternal joy to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I finally caught up on emails. I love what you are doing. I sang each old hymn with the new words and was really blessed. I actually want to comment and say "well done", instead of how you can make big money doing nothing! See you soon!
