Monday, January 28, 2008

Nothing Will Separate

Original tune: Living for Jesus; C. Harold Lowden, 1883-1960
Romans 8:15-39

Nothing will ever separate God's love,
No height or distance nor pow'r from above.
If God is for us who can be opposed,
He gave his own son, the redeemed, he chose.

What can we say to these things if God has justified,
There is no other judgment since God, he cannot lie.
His faithfulness eternal; His Christ, our ransom gave,
God said nothing will separate his love for those he saves.

Our present suff’rings cannot be compared
The weight of glory in Christ we now share.
In hope we wait for redemption secure
Christ is our future, the cross is our cure.


We know in all things God works for the good.
To those who love God, who trust him for good.
For you received not a spirit of fear
But of adoption, our father is near.


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