Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Greater Love Hath No Other

Original tune: Songs of Praise the Angels Sang; John Antes, 1740-1811; arr. John B. Wilkes, 1785-1869 (Monkland)
John 15:13, 16

Greater love hath no other, still Christ died for the sinner.
You chose not but I chose you, friends you are who bear good fruit.

Born to love his enemies, come to make them just and free
Then amid their violent hate, Jesus drank wrath’s cup of fate.

Glory! Ring the bells again; Christ has crushed the curse of sin
Songs of praise, arise O Church, sing to God his matchless worth.

Saving love, how can it be; Jesus lives to intercede.
Stand in awe, the king of kings; great High Priest, our offering.

Perfect love, our redemption; sealed our right of adoption.
Signed in blood, our brother’s work; hope is our new heav’n and earth.

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